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Wanna be an entrepreneur? Here are 10 things to think about! - Page 2

6. Don’t listen to great people!

Hey. Did I just say listen to great people. Yes I did. But note – don’t listen to much. When you look for advice you’ll probably run into people that know the business you’re in. They probably have years and years of knowledge and that’s a great asset when it comes to cutting corners. However, it’s also a great burden. These people will tell you it can’t be done, it’s been done before, it’s not possible, it’s not aloud, you wont find any clients etc etc. They’ll have all sorts of knowledge why your specific idea wont work. Don’t care about that. A great idea is usually about breaking the rules. A great and profitable idea is usually about timing. After all, Facebook didn’t do that many things that no one else did but they did it ‘just in time’ in the ‘right place’. Stay with your own idea and filter out most of the comments of what can’t be done.

7. Get help for things that is not your core knowledge.

Before I started my first company I was about to start probably 10 companies. Things like administration, financial planning, tax reporting etc scared my and made me stop. Then finally I teamed up with another entrepreneur that loved those things. Years later when I started more companies I hired those competences on a freelance basis. Starting a company is not hard at all – it’s making money that’s the tougher job.

8. Lean 45° forward

Becoming an entrepreneur is all about getting things to happen. Don’t put your idea on a paper and spend month on your business plan. If you’ve got a great idea – that’s it. Go ahead and make it happen. Put your foot in front of the other one, lean forward and don’t stop.

9. Find time for family, friends and yourselves

Starting a business will take a lot of time. Energy comes from success but do remember it also comes from friends, family and taking care of yourselves. It’s easy to get buried in work, especially in the beginning of something new. Make sure you never forget what put you in your position from the beginning. You probably have people backing you up. You draw energy from doing things you love. And most importantly, especially if you have kids, never forget your family. Your kids won’t stay young forever. You won't think it was worth the sacrifice to loose your friends and family!

10. Finally you have to jump

When the time is right. When that plane is ready for take off you have got to try the wings. If you are reading your this you at least have access to a computer or a mobile. That means you have the knowledge to Google the net and therefor also look for work. So, don’t be afraid of resigning your work once you feel your product or service has proved it might fly. As said before you shouldn’t quite your work up front. But once you’ve proved you can sell your idea a couple of times you should get going. It will be tough at first – but focus will get you there. If you in your free time has managed to take your idea from an idea to an ‘almost innovation’, meaning that you have sold products or services but not necessarily can life of it yet, you will most definitely stand a huge chance of becoming a true entrepreneur. 

After all, you’ve got there by spending stolen hours here and there on your idea, imagine where you’ll be in a year if you ad another 10 hours a day to that creative process.That’s some advice on how to get you going. Now it’s up to you!

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